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Application for Membership of the BVVS

I, ………………………………….. MRCVS / FRCVS* undertake to advance the cause of Voodoo Medicine in every situation where magical thinking is accepted as legitimate medical practice. I further undertake to highlight the issues of listing in the RCVS Register, BVA Specialist Divisional status and undergraduate education in Sympathetic Magic to the best of my ability.

* delete as appropriate.

I undertake to pay the membership fee of 10p per annum, if demanded.

Signed ……………………………………….. Date ……………………………

Please print form and return to George Tribe or Morag Kerr, c/o 6 Corfe Close, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 9XL, or email details to Morag_Kerr@CompuServe.com.